Get Quote from Muscled Flamingo Janitorial Services at Kelowna Area |
Muscled Flamingo Janitorial Services

Muscled Flamingo Janitorial Services


  • Insured
  • Licensed
  • WCB
Service Locations

Penticton, Kelowna, Kelowna Area, Vancouver, TriCities/Pitt/Maple View more

Contact Information

About the company


The most affordable and professional cleaning services company in Kelowna

Muscled Flamingo Janitorial Services LTD is a cleaning company that caters to homes and businesses in the city of Kelowna and nearby areas.
Our mission is to provide excellent, reliable, honest, friendly, and affordable cleaning services. At Muscled Flamingo, our trustworthy and polite Dust Gurus are committed to giving only the highest standard of work.
These Dusts Gurus are trustworthy and polite crews made up of individuals with a distinctive sense of responsibility, and trained to have outstanding work ethics. That’s how we can guarantee customer satisfaction every time, and for every job.
Muscled Flamingo offers various types of janitorial services for every need and schedule - be it daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, occasional, or just on that one time that you’re simply overwhelmed, we will muscle all the mess away!!

Services offered


  • Tell us about your requirements

    If you provide the details on what you’re looking for, we’ll find a range of quotes for your exact needs.

  • Compare your free quotes

    We won’t just set you up with any plumber, or a designer, or IT technician.We’ll find the best workers to compare for your exact job.

  • We connect you to the right professional

    Your free quotes will show you professionals in your area, their proven experience, and how much they cost.

  • Customer satisfaction

    Our aim is to help you choose a professional who performs above your expectations, then we can add your happy review to their profile. You get a job done right, the professional gets employed and our pool of reviews helps the next person get exactly what they’re looking for.

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