Get Quote from Mr Handyman of Burnaby and New Westminster at Greater Vancouver Area |
Mr Handyman of Burnaby and New Westminster

Mr Handyman of Burnaby and New Westminster


  • Insured
  • WCB
Service Locations

Greater Vancouver Area

Contact Information

About the company

Mr. Handyman provides professional repair, maintenance and renovation services to residential and commercial clients. Our insured Service Technicians are employees with an average of 8 to 10 years off experience who receive regular company training, which ensures consistent, quality work that's done right the first time, every time. Mr. Handyman Technicians arrive in nationally-recognized uniforms and branded vans that are stocked with every tool they'll need to complete the required work. You will not have to interrupt your day's activities, or waste valuable time waiting for Mr. Handyman. Our on-time record is second to none, and we arrive ready to work.


  • Tell us about your requirements

    If you provide the details on what you’re looking for, we’ll find a range of quotes for your exact needs.

  • Compare your free quotes

    We won’t just set you up with any plumber, or a designer, or IT technician.We’ll find the best workers to compare for your exact job.

  • We connect you to the right professional

    Your free quotes will show you professionals in your area, their proven experience, and how much they cost.

  • Customer satisfaction

    Our aim is to help you choose a professional who performs above your expectations, then we can add your happy review to their profile. You get a job done right, the professional gets employed and our pool of reviews helps the next person get exactly what they’re looking for.

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