Get Quote from Modern Day Doors at Fraser Valley |

Modern Day Doors


Service Locations

Fraser Valley, Delta/Surrey/Langley

Contact Information

About the company

Servicing Cloverdale and the Fraser Valley since 2006, Modern Day Doors is an Industrial and residential Garage Door company.

Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner in Cloverdale, a faulty garage door is not only a nuisance, it can cost you time and money. Our team of garage door technicians can repair a variety of garage door issues including damaged doors, broken springs, cables, door sections, and openers. We also specialize in both standard and high-security doors, gates, and enclosures, providing peace of mind in securing your home, office, commercial property or businesses.

Services offered


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    We won’t just set you up with any plumber, or a designer, or IT technician.We’ll find the best workers to compare for your exact job.

  • We connect you to the right professional

    Your free quotes will show you professionals in your area, their proven experience, and how much they cost.

  • Customer satisfaction

    Our aim is to help you choose a professional who performs above your expectations, then we can add your happy review to their profile. You get a job done right, the professional gets employed and our pool of reviews helps the next person get exactly what they’re looking for.

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