Fraser Valley, Greater Vancouver Area
Contact Information
LANIX LOT MAINTENANCEComplete Lot maintenance and Cleaning options through Lanix Services. Litter Patrols and landscaping packages available.
LANIX LANDSCAPING SERVICESFrom a simple lawn maintenance to large full size mowing equipment for large size facilities with large grounds. Service include tree removal, pruning and full landscape installations including mini excavator and bobcat services. Call for a quote today!
LANIX HEAVY EQUIPMENT SERVICESMIni Excavator and bobcat/skid steer work for digging, grading, driveways, power sweeping, stump removal etc.
LANIX WINTER SERVICESSince 2007 we have cleared and de-iced many commercial and strata sites in the lower mainland with an impeccable rescord for service levels. Call early for the seasonal discount.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT A COMPETITIVE PRICE SINCE 2007!Lanix Property Group of Services Ltd was established in 2007 by Owner and President Aaron Nelson
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Qualified contractors (179)
Qualified contractors (56)
Qualified contractors (89)
Qualified contractors (33)
Qualified contractors (11)
Qualified contractors (73)
Qualified contractors (239)
Qualified contractors (0)
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We won’t just set you up with any plumber, or a designer, or IT technician.We’ll find the best workers to compare for your exact job.
Your free quotes will show you professionals in your area, their proven experience, and how much they cost.
Our aim is to help you choose a professional who performs above your expectations, then we can add your happy review to their profile. You get a job done right, the professional gets employed and our pool of reviews helps the next person get exactly what they’re looking for.