Get Quote from Aim Cedar Works Ltd at Mission |
Aim Cedar Works Ltd

Aim Cedar Works Ltd


Service Locations

Mission, Abbotsford, Vancouver, TriCities/Pitt/Maple, Richmond View more

,North Vancouver, Downtown-WestEnd, Delta/Surrey/Langley, Burnaby/New Westminister

Contact Information

About the company

AIM Cedar Works Ltd. is a well established manufacturer of quality fence panels, privacy screens, cedar planters and trellises. Our products can be found at large retail stores. With over a 20 year partnership with Home Depot for Western Canada for Deck & Fence Installations. In addition, we are a certified Trex Platinum Pro contractor. One of the largest installers of Trex decking in Vancouver.

AIM Cedar Works Ltd. also provides full service installations throughout the greater Vancouver area. These services include:

Decks and Patio Covers
Fence installations (Cedar and Composite)
Aluminum Railings and gates
Hardscapes (paving stones patios)

In 1996, Aim Cedar Works began our business relationship with the Home Depot when we were awarded the fence panel contract. Over the years, this association has become very successful and we currently supply 63 Home Depot stores in 4 provinces. In 2005, we began to participate in the Home Depot fencing installation program in the greater Vancouver area. In 2010, Home Depot asked us to expand the business to include the deck and fence installation programs for the 26 stores in B.C.



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