Get Quote from A Class Granite Ltd at Fraser Valley |
A Class Granite Ltd

A Class Granite Ltd


Service Locations

Fraser Valley, Greater Vancouver Area

Contact Information

About the company

A Class Granite has been a leading provider of granite, quartz and stone countertops in Metro Vancouver since 2011!We offer a wide range of options for any budget, from builders grade to luxury grade stones! From selection to installation, we have you covered.


  • Tell us about your requirements

    If you provide the details on what you’re looking for, we’ll find a range of quotes for your exact needs.

  • Compare your free quotes

    We won’t just set you up with any plumber, or a designer, or IT technician.We’ll find the best workers to compare for your exact job.

  • We connect you to the right professional

    Your free quotes will show you professionals in your area, their proven experience, and how much they cost.

  • Customer satisfaction

    Our aim is to help you choose a professional who performs above your expectations, then we can add your happy review to their profile. You get a job done right, the professional gets employed and our pool of reviews helps the next person get exactly what they’re looking for.

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